[R] | char_code | |
[R] | control_key_state | |
[R] | control_keys | |
[R] | virtual_key_code |
Class Public methods
new(virtual_key_code, char_code, control_key_state) Link
# File ruby/lib/reline/windows.rb, line 469 def initialize(virtual_key_code, char_code, control_key_state) @virtual_key_code = virtual_key_code @char_code = char_code @control_key_state = control_key_state @enhanced = control_key_state & ENHANCED_KEY != 0 (@control_keys = []).tap do |control_keys| # symbols must be sorted to make comparison is easier later on control_keys << :ALT if control_key_state & (LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED) != 0 control_keys << :CTRL if control_key_state & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) != 0 control_keys << :SHIFT if control_key_state & SHIFT_PRESSED != 0 end.freeze end
Instance Public methods
char() Link
enhanced?() Link
matches?(control_keys: nil, virtual_key_code: nil, char_code: nil) Link
Verifies if the arguments match with this key event. Nil arguments are ignored, but at least one must be passed as non-nil. To verify that no control keys were pressed, pass an empty array: ‘control_keys: []`.
# File ruby/lib/reline/windows.rb, line 494 def matches?(control_keys: nil, virtual_key_code: nil, char_code: nil) raise ArgumentError, 'No argument was passed to match key event' if control_keys.nil? && virtual_key_code.nil? && char_code.nil? (control_keys.nil? || [*control_keys].sort == @control_keys) && (virtual_key_code.nil? || @virtual_key_code == virtual_key_code) && (char_code.nil? || char_code == @char_code) end