A Mixin
adds features from a module into another context. RDoc::Include
and RDoc::Extend
are both mixins.
[RW] | name | Name of included module |
Class Public methods
Instance Public methods
<=>(other) Link
Mixins are sorted by name
module() Link
Attempts to locate the included module object. Returns the name if not known.
The scoping rules of Ruby to resolve the name of an included module are:
first look into the children of the current context;
if not found, look into the children of included modules, in reverse inclusion order;
if still not found, go up the hierarchy of names.
This method has O(n!)
behavior when the module calling include is referencing nonexistent modules. Avoid calling module
until after all the files are parsed. This behavior is due to ruby’s constant lookup behavior.
As of the beginning of October, 2011, no gem includes nonexistent modules.
# File ruby/lib/rdoc/mixin.rb, line 75 def module return @module if @module # search the current context return @name unless parent full_name = parent.child_name(@name) @module = @store.modules_hash[full_name] return @module if @module return @name if @name =~ /^::/ # search the includes before this one, in reverse order searched = parent.includes.take_while { |i| i != self }.reverse searched.each do |i| inc = i.module next if String === inc full_name = inc.child_name(@name) @module = @store.modules_hash[full_name] return @module if @module end # go up the hierarchy of names up = parent.parent while up full_name = up.child_name(@name) @module = @store.modules_hash[full_name] return @module if @module up = up.parent end @name end