This class implements a pretty printing algorithm. It finds line breaks and nice indentations for grouped structure.
By default, the class assumes that primitive elements are strings and each byte in the strings have single column in width. But it can be used for other situations by giving suitable arguments for some methods:
newline object and space generation block for
optional width argument for
There are several candidate uses:
text formatting using proportional fonts
multibyte characters which has columns different to number of bytes
non-string formatting
Box based formatting?
Other (better) model/algorithm?
Report any bugs at
Christian Lindig, Strictly Pretty, March 2000,
Philip Wadler, A prettier printer, March 1998,
Tanaka Akira <>
- CLASS PrettyPrint::SingleLine
- B
- C
- F
- G
- N
- S
- T
VERSION | = | "0.2.0" |
[R] | genspace | A lambda or By default this is:
[R] | group_queue | The PrettyPrint::GroupQueue of groups in stack to be pretty printed |
[R] | indent | The number of spaces to be indented |
[R] | maxwidth | The maximum width of a line, before it is separated in to a newline This defaults to 79, and should be an |
[R] | newline | The value that is appended to This defaults to “n”, and should be |
[R] | output | The output object. This defaults to ”, and should accept the << method |
Class Public methods
format(output=''.dup, maxwidth=79, newline="\n", genspace=lambda {|n| ' ' * n}) Link
This is a convenience method which is same as follows:
q =, maxwidth, newline, &genspace)
new(output=''.dup, maxwidth=79, newline="\n", &genspace) Link
Creates a buffer for pretty printing.
is an output target. If it is not specified, ” is assumed. It should have a << method which accepts the first argument obj
of PrettyPrint#text
, the first argument sep
of PrettyPrint#breakable
, the first argument newline
, and the result of a given block for
specifies maximum line length. If it is not specified, 79 is assumed. However actual outputs may overflow maxwidth
if long non-breakable texts are provided.
is used for line breaks. “n” is used if it is not specified.
The block is used to generate spaces. {|width| ‘ ’ * width} is used if it is not given.
# File ruby/lib/prettyprint.rb, line 84 def initialize(output=''.dup, maxwidth=79, newline="\n", &genspace) @output = output @maxwidth = maxwidth @newline = newline @genspace = genspace || lambda {|n| ' ' * n} @output_width = 0 @buffer_width = 0 @buffer = [] root_group = @group_stack = [root_group] @group_queue = @indent = 0 end
singleline_format(output=''.dup, maxwidth=nil, newline=nil, genspace=nil) Link
This is similar to PrettyPrint::format
but the result has no breaks.
, newline
and genspace
are ignored.
The invocation of breakable
in the block doesn’t break a line and is treated as just an invocation of text
Instance Public methods
break_outmost_groups() Link
Breaks the buffer into lines that are shorter than maxwidth
# File ruby/lib/prettyprint.rb, line 162 def break_outmost_groups while @maxwidth < @output_width + @buffer_width return unless group = @group_queue.deq until group.breakables.empty? data = @buffer.shift @output_width = data.output(@output, @output_width) @buffer_width -= data.width end while !@buffer.empty? && Text === @buffer.first text = @buffer.shift @output_width = text.output(@output, @output_width) @buffer_width -= text.width end end end
breakable(sep=' ', width=sep.length) Link
This says “you can break a line here if necessary”, and a width
-column text sep
is inserted if a line is not broken at the point.
If sep
is not specified, “ ” is used.
If width
is not specified, sep.length
is used. You will have to specify this when sep
is a multibyte character, for example.
# File ruby/lib/prettyprint.rb, line 226 def breakable(sep=' ', width=sep.length) group = @group_stack.last if group.break? flush @output << @newline @output << @output_width = @indent @buffer_width = 0 else @buffer <<, width, self) @buffer_width += width break_outmost_groups end end
current_group() Link
Returns the group most recently added to the stack.
Contrived example:
out = ""
=> ""
q =
=> #<PrettyPrint:0x82f85c0 @output="", @maxwidth=79, @newline="\n", @genspace=#<Proc:0x82f8368@/home/vbatts/.rvm/rubies/ruby-head/lib/ruby/2.0.0/prettyprint.rb:82 (lambda)>, @output_width=0, @buffer_width=0, @buffer=[], @group_stack=[#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x82f8138 @depth=0, @breakables=[], @break=false>], @group_queue=#<PrettyPrint::GroupQueue:0x82fb7c0 @queue=[[#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x82f8138 @depth=0, @breakables=[], @break=false>]]>, @indent=0> {
q.text q.current_group.inspect
q.text q.newline + 1) {
q.text q.current_group.inspect
q.text q.newline + 1) {
q.text q.current_group.inspect
q.text q.newline + 1) {
q.text q.current_group.inspect
q.text q.newline
=> 284
puts out
#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x8354758 @depth=1, @breakables=[], @break=false>
#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x8354550 @depth=2, @breakables=[], @break=false>
#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x83541cc @depth=3, @breakables=[], @break=false>
#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x8347e54 @depth=4, @breakables=[], @break=false>
fill_breakable(sep=' ', width=sep.length) Link
This is similar to breakable
except the decision to break or not is determined individually.
Two fill_breakable
under a group may cause 4 results: (break,break), (break,non-break), (non-break,break), (non-break,non-break). This is different to breakable
because two breakable
under a group may cause 2 results: (break,break), (non-break,non-break).
The text sep
is inserted if a line is not broken at this point.
If sep
is not specified, “ ” is used.
If width
is not specified, sep.length
is used. You will have to specify this when sep
is a multibyte character, for example.
flush() Link
outputs buffered data.
group(indent=0, open_obj='', close_obj='', open_width=open_obj.length, close_width=close_obj.length) Link
Groups line break hints added in the block. The line break hints are all to be used or not.
If indent
is specified, the method call is regarded as nested by nest(indent) { … }.
If open_obj
is specified, text open_obj, open_width
is called before grouping. If close_obj
is specified, text close_obj, close_width
is called after grouping.
group_sub() Link
Takes a block and queues a new group that is indented 1 level further.
nest(indent) Link
Increases left margin after newline with indent
for line breaks added in the block.
text(obj, width=obj.length) Link
This adds obj
as a text of width
columns in width.
If width
is not specified, obj.length is used.
# File ruby/lib/prettyprint.rb, line 182 def text(obj, width=obj.length) if @buffer.empty? @output << obj @output_width += width else text = @buffer.last unless Text === text text = @buffer << text end text.add(obj, width) @buffer_width += width break_outmost_groups end end