Extends command line arguments array (ARGV) to parse itself.
Class Public methods
extend_object(obj) Link
Initializes instance variable.
new(*args) Link
Instance Public methods
getopts(*args, symbolize_names: false) Link
Substitution of getopts is possible as follows. Also see OptionParser#getopts
def getopts(*args)
($OPT = ARGV.getopts(*args)).each do |opt, val|
eval "$OPT_#{opt.gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/, '_')} = val"
rescue OptionParser::ParseError
options() Link
Actual OptionParser
object, automatically created if nonexistent.
If called with a block, yields the OptionParser
object and returns the result of the block. If an OptionParser::ParseError
exception occurs in the block, it is rescued, a error message printed to STDERR and nil
options=(opt) Link
Sets OptionParser
object, when opt
is false
or nil
, methods OptionParser::Arguable#options
and OptionParser::Arguable#options=
are undefined. Thus, there is no ways to access the OptionParser
object via the receiver object.
order!(&blk) Link
Parses self
destructively in order and returns self
containing the rest arguments left unparsed.
parse!() Link
Parses self
destructively and returns self
containing the rest arguments left unparsed.