An OpenStruct
is a data structure, similar to a Hash
, that allows the definition of arbitrary attributes with their accompanying values. This is accomplished by using Ruby’s metaprogramming to define methods on the class itself.
require "ostruct"
person = = "John Smith"
person.age = 70 # => "John Smith"
person.age # => 70
person.address # => nil
An OpenStruct
employs a Hash
internally to store the attributes and values and can even be initialized with one:
australia = => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra")
# => #<OpenStruct country="Australia", capital="Canberra">
keys with spaces or characters that could normally not be used for method calls (e.g. ()[]*
) will not be immediately available on the OpenStruct
object as a method for retrieval or assignment, but can still be reached through the Object#send
method or using [].
measurements ="length (in inches)" => 24)
measurements[:"length (in inches)"] # => 24
measurements.send("length (in inches)") # => 24
message = => true)
message.queued? # => true
message.send("queued?=", false)
message.queued? # => false
Removing the presence of an attribute requires the execution of the delete_field
method as setting the property value to nil
will not remove the attribute.
first_pet = => "Rowdy", :owner => "John Smith")
second_pet = => "Rowdy")
first_pet.owner = nil
first_pet # => #<OpenStruct name="Rowdy", owner=nil>
first_pet == second_pet # => false
first_pet # => #<OpenStruct name="Rowdy">
first_pet == second_pet # => true
compatibility: A frozen OpenStruct
with shareable values is itself shareable.
An OpenStruct
utilizes Ruby’s method lookup structure to find and define the necessary methods for properties. This is accomplished through the methods method_missing and define_singleton_method.
This should be a consideration if there is a concern about the performance of the objects that are created, as there is much more overhead in the setting of these properties compared to using a Hash
or a Struct
. Creating an open struct from a small Hash
and accessing a few of the entries can be 200 times slower than accessing the hash directly.
This is a potential security issue; building OpenStruct
from untrusted user data (e.g. JSON
web request) may be susceptible to a “symbol denial of service” attack since the keys create methods and names of methods are never garbage collected.
This may also be the source of incompatibilities between Ruby versions:
o =
o.then # => nil in Ruby < 2.6, enumerator for Ruby >= 2.6
Builtin methods may be overwritten this way, which may be a source of bugs or security issues:
o =
o.methods # => [:to_h, :marshal_load, :marshal_dump, :each_pair, ...
o.methods = [:foo, :bar]
o.methods # => [:foo, :bar]
To help remedy clashes, OpenStruct
uses only protected/private methods ending with !
and defines aliases for builtin public methods by adding a !
o = 'Bentley', class: :luxury)
o.class # => :luxury
o.class! # => OpenStruct
It is recommended (but not enforced) to not use fields ending in !
; Note that a subclass’ methods may not be overwritten, nor can OpenStruct’s own methods ending with !
For all these reasons, consider not using OpenStruct
at all.
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VERSION | = | "0.6.0" |
Class Public methods
new(hash=nil) Link
Creates a new OpenStruct
object. By default, the resulting OpenStruct
object will have no attributes.
The optional hash
, if given, will generate attributes and values (can be a Hash
, an OpenStruct
or a Struct
). For example:
require "ostruct"
hash = { "country" => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra" }
data =
data # => #<OpenStruct country="Australia", capital="Canberra">
Instance Public methods
==(other) Link
Compares this object and other
for equality. An OpenStruct
is equal to other
when other
is an OpenStruct
and the two objects’ Hash
tables are equal.
require "ostruct"
first_pet ="name" => "Rowdy")
second_pet = => "Rowdy")
third_pet ="name" => "Rowdy", :age => nil)
first_pet == second_pet # => true
first_pet == third_pet # => false
ostruct[name] → object Link
Returns the value of an attribute, or nil
if there is no such attribute.
require "ostruct"
person ="name" => "John Smith", "age" => 70)
person[:age] # => 70, same as person.age
ostruct[name] = obj → obj Link
Sets the value of an attribute.
require "ostruct"
person ="name" => "John Smith", "age" => 70)
person[:age] = 42 # equivalent to person.age = 42
person.age # => 42
as_json(*) Link
Methods OpenStruct#as_json
and OpenStruct.json_create
may be used to serialize and deserialize a OpenStruct object; see Marshal
Method OpenStruct#as_json
serializes self
, returning a 2-element hash representing self
require 'json/add/ostruct'
x ='name' => 'Rowdy', :age => nil).as_json
# => {"json_class"=>"OpenStruct", "t"=>{:name=>'Rowdy', :age=>nil}}
Method JSON.create
deserializes such a hash, returning a OpenStruct object:
# => #<OpenStruct name='Rowdy', age=nil>
delete_field(name, &block) Link
Removes the named field from the object and returns the value the field contained if it was defined. You may optionally provide a block. If the field is not defined, the result of the block is returned, or a NameError
is raised if no block was given.
require "ostruct"
person = "John", age: 70, pension: 300)
person.delete_field!("age") # => 70
person # => #<OpenStruct name="John", pension=300>
Setting the value to nil
will not remove the attribute:
person.pension = nil
person # => #<OpenStruct name="John", pension=nil>
person.delete_field('number') # => NameError
person.delete_field('number') { 8675_309 } # => 8675309
ostruct.dig(name, *identifiers) → object Link
Finds and returns the object in nested objects that is specified by name
and identifiers
. The nested objects may be instances of various classes. See Dig Methods.
require "ostruct"
address ="city" => "Anytown NC", "zip" => 12345)
person ="name" => "John Smith", "address" => address)
person.dig(:address, "zip") # => 12345
person.dig(:business_address, "zip") # => nil
ostruct.each_pair {|name, value| block } → ostruct
ostruct.each_pair → Enumerator
Yields all attributes (as symbols) along with the corresponding values or returns an enumerator if no block is given.
require "ostruct"
data ="country" => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra")
data.each_pair.to_a # => [[:country, "Australia"], [:capital, "Canberra"]]
eql?(other) Link
Compares this object and other
for equality. An OpenStruct
is eql? to other
when other
is an OpenStruct
and the two objects’ Hash
tables are eql?.
freeze() Link
inspect() Link
Returns a string containing a detailed summary of the keys and values.
# File ruby/lib/ostruct.rb, line 388 def inspect ids = (Thread.current[InspectKey] ||= []) if ids.include?(object_id) detail = ' ...' else ids << object_id begin detail = do |key, value| " #{key}=#{value.inspect}" end.join(',') ensure ids.pop end end ['#<', self.class!, detail, '>'].join end