Class Public methods → Session → Session
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE arg1) { SSL_SESSION *ctx; if (RTYPEDDATA_DATA(self)) ossl_raise(eSSLSession, "SSL Session already initialized"); if (rb_obj_is_instance_of(arg1, cSSLSocket)) { SSL *ssl; GetSSL(arg1, ssl); if ((ctx = SSL_get1_session(ssl)) == NULL) ossl_raise(eSSLSession, "no session available"); } else { BIO *in = ossl_obj2bio(&arg1); ctx = d2i_SSL_SESSION_bio(in, NULL); if (!ctx) { OSSL_BIO_reset(in); ctx = PEM_read_bio_SSL_SESSION(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); } BIO_free(in); if (!ctx) ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown type"); } RTYPEDDATA_DATA(self) = ctx; return self; }
Instance Public methods
session1 == session2 → boolean Link
Returns true
if the two Session
is the same, false
if not.
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_eq(VALUE val1, VALUE val2) { SSL_SESSION *ctx1, *ctx2; GetSSLSession(val1, ctx1); GetSSLSession(val2, ctx2); switch (ossl_SSL_SESSION_cmp(ctx1, ctx2)) { case 0: return Qtrue; default: return Qfalse; } } → String Link
Returns the Session
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_get_id(VALUE self) { SSL_SESSION *ctx; const unsigned char *p = NULL; unsigned int i = 0; GetSSLSession(self, ctx); p = SSL_SESSION_get_id(ctx, &i); return rb_str_new((const char *) p, i); }
initialize_copy(p1) Link
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_initialize_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other) { SSL_SESSION *sess, *sess_other, *sess_new; rb_check_frozen(self); sess = RTYPEDDATA_DATA(self); /* XXX */ GetSSLSession(other, sess_other); sess_new = ASN1_dup((i2d_of_void *)i2d_SSL_SESSION, (d2i_of_void *)d2i_SSL_SESSION, (char *)sess_other); if (!sess_new) ossl_raise(eSSLSession, "ASN1_dup"); RTYPEDDATA_DATA(self) = sess_new; SSL_SESSION_free(sess); return self; }
session.time → Time Link
Returns the time at which the session was established.
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_get_time(VALUE self) { SSL_SESSION *ctx; long t; GetSSLSession(self, ctx); t = SSL_SESSION_get_time(ctx); if (t == 0) return Qnil; return rb_funcall(rb_cTime, rb_intern("at"), 1, LONG2NUM(t)); }
session.time = time
session.time = integer
Sets start time of the session. Time
resolution is in seconds.
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_set_time(VALUE self, VALUE time_v) { SSL_SESSION *ctx; long t; GetSSLSession(self, ctx); if (rb_obj_is_instance_of(time_v, rb_cTime)) { time_v = rb_funcall(time_v, rb_intern("to_i"), 0); } t = NUM2LONG(time_v); SSL_SESSION_set_time(ctx, t); return ossl_ssl_session_get_time(self); }
session.timeout → Integer Link
Returns the timeout value set for the session, in seconds from the established time.
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_get_timeout(VALUE self) { SSL_SESSION *ctx; long t; GetSSLSession(self, ctx); t = SSL_SESSION_get_timeout(ctx); return LONG2NUM(t); }
session.timeout = integer Link
Sets how long until the session expires in seconds.
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_set_timeout(VALUE self, VALUE time_v) { SSL_SESSION *ctx; long t; GetSSLSession(self, ctx); t = NUM2LONG(time_v); SSL_SESSION_set_timeout(ctx, t); return ossl_ssl_session_get_timeout(self); }
session.to_der → String Link
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_to_der(VALUE self) { SSL_SESSION *ctx; unsigned char *p; int len; VALUE str; GetSSLSession(self, ctx); len = i2d_SSL_SESSION(ctx, NULL); if (len <= 0) { ossl_raise(eSSLSession, "i2d_SSL_SESSION"); } str = rb_str_new(0, len); p = (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str); i2d_SSL_SESSION(ctx, &p); ossl_str_adjust(str, p); return str; }
session.to_pem → String Link
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_to_pem(VALUE self) { SSL_SESSION *ctx; BIO *out; GetSSLSession(self, ctx); if (!(out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) { ossl_raise(eSSLSession, "BIO_s_mem()"); } if (!PEM_write_bio_SSL_SESSION(out, ctx)) { BIO_free(out); ossl_raise(eSSLSession, "SSL_SESSION_print()"); } return ossl_membio2str(out); }
session.to_text → String Link
Shows everything in the Session
object. This is for diagnostic purposes.
Source: show
static VALUE ossl_ssl_session_to_text(VALUE self) { SSL_SESSION *ctx; BIO *out; GetSSLSession(self, ctx); if (!(out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) { ossl_raise(eSSLSession, "BIO_s_mem()"); } if (!SSL_SESSION_print(out, ctx)) { BIO_free(out); ossl_raise(eSSLSession, "SSL_SESSION_print()"); } return ossl_membio2str(out); }