objects are created by Object#method
, and are associated with a particular object (not just with a class). They may be used to invoke the method within the object, and as a block associated with an iterator. They may also be unbound from one object (creating an UnboundMethod
) and bound to another.
class Thing
def square(n)
thing =
meth = thing.method(:square) #=> 81
[ 1, 2, 3 ].collect(&meth) #=> [1, 4, 9]
[ 1, 2, 3 ].each(&method(:puts)) #=> prints 1, 2, 3
require 'date'
%w[2017-03-01 2017-03-02].collect(&Date.method(:parse))
#=> [#<Date: 2017-03-01 ((2457814j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, #<Date: 2017-03-02 ((2457815j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>]
- #
- A
- C
- E
- H
- I
- N
- O
- P
- R
- S
- T
- U
Instance Public methods
meth << g → a_proc Link
Returns a proc that is the composition of this method and the given g. The returned proc takes a variable number of arguments, calls g with them then calls this method with the result.
def f(x)
x * x
f = self.method(:f)
g = proc {|x| x + x }
p (f << g).call(2) #=> 16
Source: show
static VALUE rb_method_compose_to_left(VALUE self, VALUE g) { g = to_callable(g); self = method_to_proc(self); return proc_compose_to_left(self, g); }
meth == other_meth → true or false Link
Two method objects are equal if they are bound to the same object and refer to the same method definition and the classes defining the methods are the same class or module.
Source: show
static VALUE method_eq(VALUE method, VALUE other) { struct METHOD *m1, *m2; VALUE klass1, klass2; if (!rb_obj_is_method(other)) return Qfalse; if (CLASS_OF(method) != CLASS_OF(other)) return Qfalse; Check_TypedStruct(method, &method_data_type); m1 = (struct METHOD *)RTYPEDDATA_GET_DATA(method); m2 = (struct METHOD *)RTYPEDDATA_GET_DATA(other); klass1 = method_entry_defined_class(m1->me); klass2 = method_entry_defined_class(m2->me); if (!rb_method_entry_eq(m1->me, m2->me) || klass1 != klass2 || m1->klass != m2->klass || m1->recv != m2->recv) { return Qfalse; } return Qtrue; }
===(*args) Link
Invokes the meth with the specified arguments, returning the method’s return value.
m = 12.method("+") #=> 15 #=> 32
meth >> g → a_proc Link
Returns a proc that is the composition of this method and the given g. The returned proc takes a variable number of arguments, calls this method with them then calls g with the result.
def f(x)
x * x
f = self.method(:f)
g = proc {|x| x + x }
p (f >> g).call(2) #=> 8
Source: show
static VALUE rb_method_compose_to_right(VALUE self, VALUE g) { g = to_callable(g); self = method_to_proc(self); return proc_compose_to_right(self, g); }
[](*args) Link
Invokes the meth with the specified arguments, returning the method’s return value.
m = 12.method("+") #=> 15 #=> 32
meth.arity → integer Link
Returns an indication of the number of arguments accepted by a method. Returns a nonnegative integer for methods that take a fixed number of arguments. For Ruby methods that take a variable number of arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of required arguments. Keyword arguments will be considered as a single additional argument, that argument being mandatory if any keyword argument is mandatory. For methods written in C, returns -1 if the call takes a variable number of arguments.
class C
def one; end
def two(a); end
def three(*a); end
def four(a, b); end
def five(a, b, *c); end
def six(a, b, *c, &d); end
def seven(a, b, x:0); end
def eight(x:, y:); end
def nine(x:, y:, **z); end
def ten(*a, x:, y:); end
c =
c.method(:one).arity #=> 0
c.method(:two).arity #=> 1
c.method(:three).arity #=> -1
c.method(:four).arity #=> 2
c.method(:five).arity #=> -3
c.method(:six).arity #=> -3
c.method(:seven).arity #=> -3
c.method(:eight).arity #=> 1
c.method(:nine).arity #=> 1
c.method(:ten).arity #=> -2
"cat".method(:size).arity #=> 0
"cat".method(:replace).arity #=> 1
"cat".method(:squeeze).arity #=> -1
"cat".method(:count).arity #=> -1
Source: show
static VALUE method_arity_m(VALUE method) { int n = method_arity(method); return INT2FIX(n); }, ...) → obj Link
Invokes the meth with the specified arguments, returning the method’s return value.
m = 12.method("+") #=> 15 #=> 32
Source: show
static VALUE rb_method_call_pass_called_kw(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE method) { return rb_method_call_kw(argc, argv, method, RB_PASS_CALLED_KEYWORDS); }
method.clone → new_method Link
Returns a clone of this method.
class A
def foo
return "bar"
m = # => "bar"
n = # => "bar"
Source: show
static VALUE method_clone(VALUE self) { VALUE clone; struct METHOD *orig, *data; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, orig); clone = TypedData_Make_Struct(CLASS_OF(self), struct METHOD, &method_data_type, data); rb_obj_clone_setup(self, clone, Qnil); RB_OBJ_WRITE(clone, &data->recv, orig->recv); RB_OBJ_WRITE(clone, &data->klass, orig->klass); RB_OBJ_WRITE(clone, &data->iclass, orig->iclass); RB_OBJ_WRITE(clone, &data->owner, orig->owner); RB_OBJ_WRITE(clone, &data->me, rb_method_entry_clone(orig->me)); return clone; }
meth.curry → proc
meth.curry(arity) → proc
Returns a curried proc based on the method. When the proc is called with a number of arguments that is lower than the method’s arity, then another curried proc is returned. Only when enough arguments have been supplied to satisfy the method signature, will the method actually be called.
The optional arity argument should be supplied when currying methods with variable arguments to determine how many arguments are needed before the method is called.
def foo(a,b,c)
[a, b, c]
proc = self.method(:foo).curry
proc2 =, 2) #=> #<Proc> #=> [1,2,3]
def vararg(*args)
proc = self.method(:vararg).curry(4)
proc2 = #=> #<Proc>
proc3 =, :z) #=> #<Proc> #=> [:x, :y, :z, :a]
Source: show
static VALUE rb_method_curry(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE proc = method_to_proc(self); return proc_curry(argc, argv, proc); }
meth.eql?(other_meth) → true or false Link
Two method objects are equal if they are bound to the same object and refer to the same method definition and the classes defining the methods are the same class or module.
meth.hash → integer Link
Returns a hash value corresponding to the method object.
See also Object#hash
Source: show
static VALUE method_hash(VALUE method) { struct METHOD *m; st_index_t hash; TypedData_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, m); hash = rb_hash_start((st_index_t)m->recv); hash = rb_hash_method_entry(hash, m->me); hash = rb_hash_end(hash); return ST2FIX(hash); }
meth.inspect → string Link
Returns a human-readable description of the underlying method.
"cat".method(:count).inspect #=> "#<Method: String#count(*)>"
(1..3).method(:map).inspect #=> "#<Method: Range(Enumerable)#map()>"
In the latter case, the method description includes the “owner” of the original method (Enumerable
module, which is included into Range
also provides, when possible, method argument names (call sequence) and source location.
require 'net/http'
#=> "#<Method: Net::HTTP.get(uri_or_host, path=..., port=...) <skip>/lib/ruby/2.7.0/net/http.rb:457>"
in argument definition means argument is optional (has some default value).
For methods defined in C (language core and extensions), location and argument names can’t be extracted, and only generic information is provided in form of *
(any number of arguments) or _
(some positional argument).
"cat".method(:count).inspect #=> "#<Method: String#count(*)>"
"cat".method(:+).inspect #=> "#<Method: String#+(_)>""
Source: show
static VALUE method_inspect(VALUE method) { struct METHOD *data; VALUE str; const char *sharp = "#"; VALUE mklass; VALUE defined_class; TypedData_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, data); str = rb_sprintf("#<% "PRIsVALUE": ", rb_obj_class(method)); mklass = data->iclass; if (!mklass) mklass = data->klass; if (RB_TYPE_P(mklass, T_ICLASS)) { /* TODO: I'm not sure why mklass is T_ICLASS. * UnboundMethod#bind() can set it as T_ICLASS at convert_umethod_to_method_components() * but not sure it is needed. */ mklass = RBASIC_CLASS(mklass); } if (data->me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS) { defined_class = data->me->def->body.alias.original_me->owner; } else { defined_class = method_entry_defined_class(data->me); } if (RB_TYPE_P(defined_class, T_ICLASS)) { defined_class = RBASIC_CLASS(defined_class); } if (data->recv == Qundef) { // UnboundMethod rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_inspect(defined_class)); } else if (FL_TEST(mklass, FL_SINGLETON)) { VALUE v = RCLASS_ATTACHED_OBJECT(mklass); if (UNDEF_P(data->recv)) { rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_inspect(mklass)); } else if (data->recv == v) { rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_inspect(v)); sharp = "."; } else { rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_inspect(data->recv)); rb_str_buf_cat2(str, "("); rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_inspect(v)); rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ")"); sharp = "."; } } else { mklass = data->klass; if (FL_TEST(mklass, FL_SINGLETON)) { VALUE v = RCLASS_ATTACHED_OBJECT(mklass); if (!(RB_TYPE_P(v, T_CLASS) || RB_TYPE_P(v, T_MODULE))) { do { mklass = RCLASS_SUPER(mklass); } while (RB_TYPE_P(mklass, T_ICLASS)); } } rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_inspect(mklass)); if (defined_class != mklass) { rb_str_catf(str, "(% "PRIsVALUE")", defined_class); } } rb_str_buf_cat2(str, sharp); rb_str_append(str, rb_id2str(data->me->called_id)); if (data->me->called_id != data->me->def->original_id) { rb_str_catf(str, "(%"PRIsVALUE")", rb_id2str(data->me->def->original_id)); } if (data->me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_NOTIMPLEMENTED) { rb_str_buf_cat2(str, " (not-implemented)"); } // parameter information { VALUE params = rb_method_parameters(method); VALUE pair, name, kind; const VALUE req = ID2SYM(rb_intern("req")); const VALUE opt = ID2SYM(rb_intern("opt")); const VALUE keyreq = ID2SYM(rb_intern("keyreq")); const VALUE key = ID2SYM(rb_intern("key")); const VALUE rest = ID2SYM(rb_intern("rest")); const VALUE keyrest = ID2SYM(rb_intern("keyrest")); const VALUE block = ID2SYM(rb_intern("block")); const VALUE nokey = ID2SYM(rb_intern("nokey")); int forwarding = 0; rb_str_buf_cat2(str, "("); if (RARRAY_LEN(params) == 3 && RARRAY_AREF(RARRAY_AREF(params, 0), 0) == rest && RARRAY_AREF(RARRAY_AREF(params, 0), 1) == ID2SYM('*') && RARRAY_AREF(RARRAY_AREF(params, 1), 0) == keyrest && RARRAY_AREF(RARRAY_AREF(params, 1), 1) == ID2SYM(idPow) && RARRAY_AREF(RARRAY_AREF(params, 2), 0) == block && RARRAY_AREF(RARRAY_AREF(params, 2), 1) == ID2SYM('&')) { forwarding = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(params); i++) { pair = RARRAY_AREF(params, i); kind = RARRAY_AREF(pair, 0); name = RARRAY_AREF(pair, 1); // FIXME: in tests it turns out that kind, name = [:req] produces name to be false. Why?.. if (NIL_P(name) || name == Qfalse) { // FIXME: can it be reduced to switch/case? if (kind == req || kind == opt) { name = rb_str_new2("_"); } else if (kind == rest || kind == keyrest) { name = rb_str_new2(""); } else if (kind == block) { name = rb_str_new2("block"); } else if (kind == nokey) { name = rb_str_new2("nil"); } } if (kind == req) { rb_str_catf(str, "%"PRIsVALUE, name); } else if (kind == opt) { rb_str_catf(str, "%"PRIsVALUE"=...", name); } else if (kind == keyreq) { rb_str_catf(str, "%"PRIsVALUE":", name); } else if (kind == key) { rb_str_catf(str, "%"PRIsVALUE": ...", name); } else if (kind == rest) { if (name == ID2SYM('*')) { rb_str_cat_cstr(str, forwarding ? "..." : "*"); } else { rb_str_catf(str, "*%"PRIsVALUE, name); } } else if (kind == keyrest) { if (name != ID2SYM(idPow)) { rb_str_catf(str, "**%"PRIsVALUE, name); } else if (i > 0) { rb_str_set_len(str, RSTRING_LEN(str) - 2); } else { rb_str_cat_cstr(str, "**"); } } else if (kind == block) { if (name == ID2SYM('&')) { if (forwarding) { rb_str_set_len(str, RSTRING_LEN(str) - 2); } else { rb_str_cat_cstr(str, "..."); } } else { rb_str_catf(str, "&%"PRIsVALUE, name); } } else if (kind == nokey) { rb_str_buf_cat2(str, "**nil"); } if (i < RARRAY_LEN(params) - 1) { rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ", "); } } rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ")"); } { // source location VALUE loc = rb_method_location(method); if (!NIL_P(loc)) { rb_str_catf(str, " %"PRIsVALUE":%"PRIsVALUE, RARRAY_AREF(loc, 0), RARRAY_AREF(loc, 1)); } } rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ">"); return str; } → symbol Link
Returns the name of the method.
Source: show
static VALUE method_name(VALUE obj) { struct METHOD *data; TypedData_Get_Struct(obj, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, data); return ID2SYM(data->me->called_id); }
meth.original_name → symbol Link
Returns the original name of the method.
class C
def foo; end
alias bar foo
C.instance_method(:bar).original_name # => :foo
Source: show
static VALUE method_original_name(VALUE obj) { struct METHOD *data; TypedData_Get_Struct(obj, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, data); return ID2SYM(data->me->def->original_id); }
meth.owner → class_or_module Link
Returns the class or module on which this method is defined. In other words,
meth.owner.instance_methods(false).include?( # => true
holds as long as the method is not removed/undefined/replaced, (with private_instance_methods instead of instance_methods if the method is private).
See also Method#receiver
(1..3).method(:map).owner #=> Enumerable
Source: show
static VALUE method_owner(VALUE obj) { struct METHOD *data; TypedData_Get_Struct(obj, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, data); return data->owner; }
meth.parameters → array Link
Returns the parameter information of this method.
def foo(bar); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar]]
def foo(bar, baz, bat, &blk); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar], [:req, :baz], [:req, :bat], [:block, :blk]]
def foo(bar, *args); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar], [:rest, :args]]
def foo(bar, baz, *args, &blk); end
method(:foo).parameters #=> [[:req, :bar], [:req, :baz], [:rest, :args], [:block, :blk]]
Source: show
static VALUE rb_method_parameters(VALUE method) { return method_def_parameters(rb_method_def(method)); }
meth.receiver → object Link
Returns the bound receiver of the method object.
(1..3).method(:map).receiver # => 1..3
Source: show
static VALUE method_receiver(VALUE obj) { struct METHOD *data; TypedData_Get_Struct(obj, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, data); return data->recv; }
meth.source_location → [String, Integer] Link
Returns the Ruby source filename and line number containing this method or nil if this method was not defined in Ruby (i.e. native).
Source: show
VALUE rb_method_location(VALUE method) { return method_def_location(rb_method_def(method)); }
meth.super_method → method Link
Returns a Method
of superclass which would be called when super is used or nil if there is no method on superclass.
Source: show
static VALUE method_super_method(VALUE method) { const struct METHOD *data; VALUE super_class, iclass; ID mid; const rb_method_entry_t *me; TypedData_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, data); iclass = data->iclass; if (!iclass) return Qnil; if (data->me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS && data->me->defined_class) { super_class = RCLASS_SUPER(rb_find_defined_class_by_owner(data->me->defined_class, data->me->def->body.alias.original_me->owner)); mid = data->me->def->body.alias.original_me->def->original_id; } else { super_class = RCLASS_SUPER(RCLASS_ORIGIN(iclass)); mid = data->me->def->original_id; } if (!super_class) return Qnil; me = (rb_method_entry_t *)rb_callable_method_entry_with_refinements(super_class, mid, &iclass); if (!me) return Qnil; return mnew_internal(me, me->owner, iclass, data->recv, mid, rb_obj_class(method), FALSE, FALSE); }
meth.to_proc → proc Link
Returns a Proc
object corresponding to this method.
Source: show
static VALUE method_to_proc(VALUE method) { VALUE procval; rb_proc_t *proc; /* * class Method * def to_proc * lambda{|*args| **args) * } * end * end */ procval = rb_block_call(rb_mRubyVMFrozenCore, idLambda, 0, 0, bmcall, method); GetProcPtr(procval, proc); proc->is_from_method = 1; return procval; }
meth.to_s → string Link
Returns a human-readable description of the underlying method.
"cat".method(:count).inspect #=> "#<Method: String#count(*)>"
(1..3).method(:map).inspect #=> "#<Method: Range(Enumerable)#map()>"
In the latter case, the method description includes the “owner” of the original method (Enumerable
module, which is included into Range
also provides, when possible, method argument names (call sequence) and source location.
require 'net/http'
#=> "#<Method: Net::HTTP.get(uri_or_host, path=..., port=...) <skip>/lib/ruby/2.7.0/net/http.rb:457>"
in argument definition means argument is optional (has some default value).
For methods defined in C (language core and extensions), location and argument names can’t be extracted, and only generic information is provided in form of *
(any number of arguments) or _
(some positional argument).
"cat".method(:count).inspect #=> "#<Method: String#count(*)>"
"cat".method(:+).inspect #=> "#<Method: String#+(_)>""
meth.unbind → unbound_method Link
Dissociates meth from its current receiver. The resulting UnboundMethod
can subsequently be bound to a new object of the same class (see UnboundMethod
Source: show
static VALUE method_unbind(VALUE obj) { VALUE method; struct METHOD *orig, *data; TypedData_Get_Struct(obj, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, orig); method = TypedData_Make_Struct(rb_cUnboundMethod, struct METHOD, &method_data_type, data); RB_OBJ_WRITE(method, &data->recv, Qundef); RB_OBJ_WRITE(method, &data->klass, Qundef); RB_OBJ_WRITE(method, &data->iclass, orig->iclass); RB_OBJ_WRITE(method, &data->owner, orig->me->owner); RB_OBJ_WRITE(method, &data->me, rb_method_entry_clone(orig->me)); return method; }