- MODULE Net::HTTPExceptions
- MODULE Net::HTTPHeader
- CLASS Net::HTTPAccepted
- CLASS Net::HTTPAlreadyReported
- CLASS Net::HTTPBadGateway
- CLASS Net::HTTPBadRequest
- CLASS Net::HTTPBadResponse
- CLASS Net::HTTPClientError
- CLASS Net::HTTPClientException
- CLASS Net::HTTPConflict
- CLASS Net::HTTPContinue
- CLASS Net::HTTPCreated
- CLASS Net::HTTPEarlyHints
- CLASS Net::HTTPError
- CLASS Net::HTTPExpectationFailed
- CLASS Net::HTTPFailedDependency
- CLASS Net::HTTPFatalError
- CLASS Net::HTTPForbidden
- CLASS Net::HTTPFound
- CLASS Net::HTTPGatewayTimeOut
- CLASS Net::HTTPGatewayTimeout
- CLASS Net::HTTPGenericRequest
- CLASS Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError
- CLASS Net::HTTPInformation
- CLASS Net::HTTPInsufficientStorage
- CLASS Net::HTTPInternalServerError
- CLASS Net::HTTPLengthRequired
- CLASS Net::HTTPLocked
- CLASS Net::HTTPLoopDetected
- CLASS Net::HTTPMethodNotAllowed
- CLASS Net::HTTPMisdirectedRequest
- CLASS Net::HTTPMovedPermanently
- CLASS Net::HTTPMovedTemporarily
- CLASS Net::HTTPMultiStatus
- CLASS Net::HTTPMultipleChoice
- CLASS Net::HTTPMultipleChoices
- CLASS Net::HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired
- CLASS Net::HTTPNoContent
- CLASS Net::HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation
- CLASS Net::HTTPNotAcceptable
- CLASS Net::HTTPNotExtended
- CLASS Net::HTTPNotFound
- CLASS Net::HTTPNotImplemented
- CLASS Net::HTTPNotModified
- CLASS Net::HTTPPartialContent
- CLASS Net::HTTPPayloadTooLarge
- CLASS Net::HTTPPaymentRequired
- CLASS Net::HTTPPermanentRedirect
- CLASS Net::HTTPPreconditionFailed
- CLASS Net::HTTPPreconditionRequired
- CLASS Net::HTTPProcessing
- CLASS Net::HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired
- CLASS Net::HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable
- CLASS Net::HTTPRedirection
- CLASS Net::HTTPRequest
- CLASS Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge
- CLASS Net::HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
- CLASS Net::HTTPRequestTimeOut
- CLASS Net::HTTPRequestTimeout
- CLASS Net::HTTPRequestURITooLarge
- CLASS Net::HTTPRequestURITooLong
- CLASS Net::HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
- CLASS Net::HTTPResetContent
- CLASS Net::HTTPResponse
- CLASS Net::HTTPRetriableError
- CLASS Net::HTTPSeeOther
- CLASS Net::HTTPServerError
- CLASS Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable
- CLASS Net::HTTPSuccess
- CLASS Net::HTTPSwitchProtocol
- CLASS Net::HTTPTemporaryRedirect
- CLASS Net::HTTPTooManyRequests
- CLASS Net::HTTPUnauthorized
- CLASS Net::HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons
- CLASS Net::HTTPUnknownResponse
- CLASS Net::HTTPUnprocessableEntity
- CLASS Net::HTTPUnsupportedMediaType
- CLASS Net::HTTPUpgradeRequired
- CLASS Net::HTTPUseProxy
- CLASS Net::HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates
- CLASS Net::HTTPVersionNotSupported
- CLASS Net::OpenTimeout
- CLASS Net::ProtoAuthError
- CLASS Net::ProtoCommandError
- CLASS Net::ProtoFatalError
- CLASS Net::ProtoRetriableError
- CLASS Net::ProtoServerError
- CLASS Net::ProtoSyntaxError
- CLASS Net::ProtoUnknownError
- CLASS Net::ProtocRetryError
- CLASS Net::ProtocolError
- CLASS Net::ReadTimeout
- CLASS Net::WriteAdapter
- CLASS Net::WriteTimeout
HTTPGatewayTimeOut | = | HTTPGatewayTimeout |
Response class for The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstream server. References: |
HTTPMovedTemporarily | = | HTTPFound |
Response class for The References: |
HTTPMultipleChoice | = | HTTPMultipleChoices |
Response class for The References: |
HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge | = | HTTPPayloadTooLarge |
Response class for The request is larger than the server is willing or able to process. References: |
HTTPRequestTimeOut | = | HTTPRequestTimeout |
Response class for The server timed out waiting for the request. References: |
HTTPRequestURITooLarge | = | HTTPRequestURITooLong |
Response class for The References: |
HTTPRequestURITooLong | = | HTTPURITooLong |
Response class for The References: |
HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable | = | HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable |
Response class for The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does not support. References: |